Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy (?) Father's Day

Ok, so at this point in my life I guess I am supposed to celebrate the fact that I am a father. I have two great kids to be thankful for.
What do I really think about on Father's Day. I think about my father. I think about the bad times, and I think about the good times. No everybody has their own opinion of him, but mine is purely that he was a good man trying to get through some tough times who loved his family, but really didn't know how to show it that well. What I will tell you is unfortunately I got to know him well much too late in his life. I remember July 4th, 1978. That was a great day. We had a great picnic that day, and he played wiffle ball with us all. I remember him coming home from work in the summer when we were kids and getting in the pool trying to cool off. Nope, no relaxation for him he was attacked by 4 5 or even more kids who jumped on him, and tried (unsuccessfully) to drag him under the water . I also remember times when he became dependent on my brother Steve and I. He could no longer drive, and needed us to stop at the store, drive him to doctors etc...I also remember the sad days (12/20/1994). What I remember most today is how much I miss him. So I will listen to some polkas, and remember my father

In the Navy (Before I was even born)

With Uncle Bill Domonkos, and Susan's Husband Jackie.

Circa 1979, always a fashion inovator. Check out the Plaid Pants

1980 At our wedding shown here with Shannon

Happy Father's Day

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The following post appeared in this blog in 2007. I feel that it is still a philosophy that I maintain today.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Stories, Legends, and Myths

We were at Kim's a few years ago for a great Deck cook out, and we were discussing some old family events. As that discussion was happening I came up with the following thoughts :
When something happens within the family, or better yet at a family gathering it becomes a family "Story". It will be told over and over and over again. The "Story" will remain exactly as it happened when it is told among that generation.
As we tell that "Story" over and over and over and over again for more than ten years it becomes a family "Legend". It becomes a "Legend" as it has now been passed on to a new generation of the family to live and enjoy. The "Legends" sometimes get embellished to make them more appealing. The new generation will put their own angle on telling the Legend, but they will keep the "Legend" alive.
Upon the unfortunate demise of any family member involved with the incident or after 20 years, I believe the story then becomes "Mythical". This "Mythical" event will have more embellishments added in to it as most of the people who have heard about this event know it only second hand, and weren't there when it was just a "Story".
I will give you a few examples.
This is a Family "Story"
Two Christmas's ago Barb who like the rest of us makes fun of others who fall fast asleep after holiday dinners gave us a Story to tell for years to come when she fell asleep
This is now a Family "Legend"
Some ten years ago, Darrin slipped on some ice down his driveway, and Kim followed slipping after him on the ice as well. Neither was hurt, and they finally made it safely back to the house. Now as you can see I do not know all the details to this event, but more than ten years later this family "Legend" lives on.
Now, here is one that has become "Mythical"
Around 1980 there was a family dinner at Betty and Ernie's house on Morehouse street. Aside from Betty and Ernie the dinner guests included Barb, her husband, Kim, Kevin II, Ruthe, Ernie, Lena, Grandma Baksay, Joanne, and me. This was the dinner that the now "Mythical" family phrase was used for the first time "Ba Jo Ruthe". So you see, this story some 26 years later is now "Mythical". Even though the kids were there they didn't hear the uttering of that famous phrase, they just have heard it happened. I am not even sure of all the dinner guests, but I still tell the story as I was in the Kitchen when Betty "coined" that phrase.
Obviously the "Mythical" events live on in our own mind as we remember them. Please feel free to share a "Story", "Legend" or "Mythical" event and send it to everybody you have in your e-mail from the family. As I will end this posting now I will not go in to the "Thanksgiving Cat Litter Turkey Legend" or the infamous "Cold Spaghetti" myth at this time.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Concert Update

Holly and I headed to Scottrade Center last night for a a concert that looked like it could be a winner. Buddy let me tell you, IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We met some great people I know (Wendy and Terry) at the gate which was not planned, but a great suprise as we have seen the show with them 4 times in a row. They had some better seats than us, but we still had a great view.

Sugarland led things off with Jennifer and Christian playing all the big Sugarland hits, and a few fringe songs as well. They sounded GREAT. They were backed by a small band, but the performance was the winner. After a brief (20 minutes) intermission the Feature artist Keith Urban was ready to light it up (sorry sponsers for the tour include Kingsford and KC masterpiece).

The show started as loud as any rock concert I have ever enjoyed. They toned the bass down after a few numbers, and the show was great. Ever the showman, Keith made his way through the floor crowd to do a few songs at the rear of the floor. Later in the show he cam half way down stage left (our side) and played two standing on the rail. There were a few security guys, but NOTHING that would have held back the fans had they gone crazy. Once again there was
Just some absolutely fantastic vocals (by the band and Keith) and some monstorous guitar solos, and playing .

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Ok, so my wife is up for the trip back home. She will not fly, so we are driving. Looking at early August due to work issues.

May cause visit issues with the Natick crowd as Lena will be doing her part to better the world in the Pan Mass Challenge. ( I wish I had that type of commitment to do good things).

Anyway, it may alter our visiting schedule, but we still hope to hit all the "Hot Spots" regardless of the visit week. Only one that looks like it won't happen is Fenway, as the Sox are not at home.