So on Sunday, September 6th, at 3:00pm EDT Joanne and I will be married 29 years.
They say when you get married that over time you start to look like each other. I have found that to be false. However, I do believe that over time you start to THINK like each other. Well, today I believe that more. I brought home some flowers, and a card today for our anniversary, and presented them to Joanne. I went in to the other room, and changed. When I came out Joanne was laughing and presented me with a card for our anniversary. They were the same cards (shown below). Now that is not proof to my theory, but any of you who have been married for a long time I am sure will agree, that you start to think about the same things from the same viewpoint (except politics).

Any way all my love to my wife who is a beautiful to me as the day we were married.