I liked the patriots way back when Steve Grogan ran the offense. I actually started liking them because I couldn't stand watching the Giant and Jets anymore. CBS and NBC out of New York always showd the damn jets and giants, and they sucked. The Patriots games were on the Hartford station, and it was a good alternative. They weren't that great, but I liked their players. (I remember Russ Francis their all-Pro TE,, Darryl Stingley was a WR, later there was Tippet at LB.
So that being said, I will also have to think hard the day Brett Farve retires if the Packers will remain on my Favorites list. I am a fan of the game, and have changed by allegiance several times to follow certain players. As a kid I was a die hard Vikings fan.I cried like a baby when the Chiefs beat them (like so many other did) in the Super Bowl. How could you NOT love Bud Grant's style. I even had a Viking helmet which I wore playing with my friends T.R., Kevin, Brian, Bo, etc...in the back yard. Then they let Alan Page leave and play somewhere else. I wanted to run like the great (and mostly unknown) #44 Chuck Foreman, rush the passer like Page, Eller, Marshall, and Seimon, intercept passes like Paul Krause. After the Vikes allowed their team to walk away, I started following a team that had a gifted runner (Sweetness) and not much else. Some guy named "Bobby" Douglas was at QB and the team was going NOWHERE. Then came the "D", and the player who really caught my football interest #9 Jim McMahon. Add in the fiery Ditka, the genius of Buddy Ryan, and a wide eyed linebacker named Singletary and I was hooked.....Then of course the Bears dismantles that great team letting go of Wilbur Marshall, Richard Dent, McMahon. and the rest.....................So I hooked up with the Packers and that upstart QB Brett Farve. Like McMahon he played QB like an out of control blitzing LB. I loved it...
Baseball will always be my Favorite game, but I love Football. My love of Football is one of those things I got from my beloved father Pete. He of course also liked the college game (not me)
So bring on the Chips, the Smokies, and the beer. Enjoy the super bowl. 19-0
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