Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Funny, As the years go by I have never seen the "Big Deal" about marking the movement of Father Time. The New Year's "Holiday" to me has always been a bit of over-hype. What is truly the big deal? It marks the passing of time, just like the clock, and the calendar do daily. So we change to the next number 2008, 2009 etc....

Your problems don't disappear, your bills don't magically stop coming, and it is probably the holiday with the highest fatality rate due to drunken fools who drive around after their partying.
I guess what I am saying is maybe we should mark the passing of every minute, every hour, and every day with the same zest for life that we do on December the 31st. That way our lives could be fuller, and more meaningful/

Just the thoughts from a Man who has never quite understood the day.

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