Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nietzsche Said

"Without music, life would be a mistake."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

I kind of gave this quote some thought today. Think about it......................

I am not sure if it would be a mistake, but life would certainly be less memorable. I find myself sometimes traveling back to a time and place just by hearing a song. Sometimes this is a good place..... Some times it isn't quite as pleasant, but yet it triggers a memory extremely strong. Music, I believe will trigger some of your strongest memories. Think about it....Here are a few examples for me.

The "Good-Bye Girl", by David Gates triggers some very happy thoughts for me. It was the title song from the first movie Joanne and I ever went to together. We saw it at the community theater in Fairfield CT.

On December 20th, 1994 I lost my father. That year Randy Travis had a hit song titled "The Box". It was a song about somebody going through their father's belonging after he had passed away. To this day that song still bring me back to that day, and the emotions I felt after losing my dad. It is nearly 14 years ago, but the memory is still so strong.

Recently I lost my mother. While driving to the airport to fly back to Connecticut, I turned on my MP3 player, and the song it was playing (strangely by chance) was "Home" by Daughtry. While the song is not about traveling home for the same reason I was, it still rings thoughts of how we feel when we go home. That one was not only strange yet very moving.

Obviously these are but a few examples of what Music does to me, I am sure that you like me have many other memories that are triggered by hearing a song. So the next time you hear some old song, think about when you first heard it. Maybe, just maybe it will bring you to a place and time when you were truly moved....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me. I was so moved by this description of the music of Randy Travis, I too have heard this song and it still moves me to tears. Thanks for being such a great brother in law. Love you,