Friday, January 9, 2009

What Fools These Mortals Be

My Son Ryan was part of the all state Thespian Show. As a Techie he was part of the group that built the sets, and keeps the stage ready for the actors to do their job. Remember, without Techies there would be no theater because who would build the sets, light the lights etc... Anyway that is for another post.

The show was GREAT, and the Sets were exceptional. The workmanship they put in to this production was very easy to see. Costumes, Lighting, Sound, Sets, and the acting were all Fabulous.

I was honored to be lucky enough to get a "Sneak Peak" at the their final dress rehearsal.

Here they are in all their glory.

1 comment:

LacubriousToo said...

Great job Ryan!!

The moon in the background looks cool!